"Micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises face significant challenges in obtaining the financing and other resources they need to thrive. IFC, as a member of the World Bank Group, is committed to supporting these businesses by mobilizing private and public sector stakeholders to expand financial inclusion.

Digital integration of “traditional” retailers and distributors along supply chains can establish a pathway toward financial inclusion." This IFC handbook offers "expertise and lessons learned with financial institutions that seek to integrate traditional businesses into digital-banking networks.

Since suppliers, merchants, and consumers have broadly embraced digital transactions, there is also a growing opportunity to connect retailers to the benefits of digital supply chain management, payments, and banking services more broadly—all by drawing on data gathered during transactions.

Now, with the COVID-19 pandemic placing tremendous strains on supply chains, firms of all sizes are struggling to maintain production, manage liquidity, and preserve working capital. As buyers and suppliers focus on maintaining liquidity, supply chain finance programs are an exceptionally important tool for banks to support struggling economies."

The handbook was prepared by IFC in English language. Click here to access the handbook.


Source: IFC

Illustration: IFC