This joint ADB and World Bank publication analyses climate change risks in the Kyrgyz Republic and intends to guide policy dialogue to mitigate climate change risks in the country.

Among key messages, the publication puts emphasis on significant air temperature rise, which is projected to be above the global average and changes in both maximum and minimum extremes. Another significant area of risk concern is water resources. Potential loss of glaciers may result in the irregularity of water flow, potential floods and droughts.

The publication is prepared by ADB and World Bank in English language. Click here to access the publication.

Source: Climate Risk Profile: Kyrgyz Republic (2021): The World Bank Group and Asian Development Bank.

Illustration: : © Xavi, “reflexes” July 28, 2011 via Flickr, Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. © twiga269, “Seracs between C1 and C2.” August 9, 2015 via Flickr, Creative Commons CC BY-NCND 2.0.